Tag: CAD

imos iX Mastery – Cum îți actualizezi singur versiunea imos

Vrei să profiți la maximum de software-ul de proiectare mobilier imos iX? Asigură-te că utilizezi cea mai recentă versiune! Acest articol te va ghida pas cu pas prin procesul de update imos iX, oferind instrucțiuni clare și ușor de urmat. Înainte de a începe procesul de actualizare, este necesar să verifici care este versiunea de […]

imos iX Mastery – Tips for positioning items in an order

In this article we will talk about how to position items in an order in imos iX, using the existing items in the Article Center or in the 3D ALL Catalog. Before we start, you should know that imos uses a function called "SNAP", which is designed to automatically position items on the wall or next to the [...]

imos optimisations through iX 2021

In October 2021, the new imos iX 2021 version was released, bringing significant optimisations and improvements to the iX 2019 version. In this article we will look at what the new imos iX 2021 brings to iX CAD, PLAN and CAM software. imos CAD optimizations with iX version 2021 (see video presentation) iX CAD offers even more convenience and [...]

The benefits of computer-aided design (CAD) in custom furniture production

The evolution of technology has brought changes in all areas, including the furniture industry, where it has eliminated much manual labour. Hand-drawn technical drawings have been successfully replaced by the ones created on the computer. Thus, a design software has become a necessity for the custom furniture manufacturer.

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3D ALL Business CAD Furniture Configurator computer-aided design